“Spring” Break Part 2: Magnetic Island to Cairns

Monday April 22 My 21st birthday!!! Also, the first day on the trip that we got to sleep in. Once I did wake up, I got up, got ready for the day, and grabbed brunch at the restaurant/bar at the hostel with Maddi. Sitting there, eating scrumptious avocado toast, while looking out at the ocean, … Continue reading “Spring” Break Part 2: Magnetic Island to Cairns

“Spring” Break Part 1: Brisbane to Magnetic Island

Overview For my “Spring” break (yes I know it’s not Spring in Australia but you get what I mean) I went on a 9 day trip up the East Coast on an Extreme Adventures tour. I found out about this tour through the University of Wollongong and then applied and paid for the trip online … Continue reading “Spring” Break Part 1: Brisbane to Magnetic Island